Term of Service

Users of the service acknowledge and accept the various terms and conditions of use of Varoriya AI (hereinafter referred to as “Varoriya,” “Varoriya AI,” “Varoriya Platform,” “Platform,” “we,” or “our”).

Furthermore, we, as the platform’s administrators, reserve the right to modify various terms and conditions, including suspending the provision of certain parts of the platform without prior notice.

General Application

  • It is understood that the copyrights of symbols, texts, and information on the Varoriya platform are our legitimate rights.
  • Varoriya AI is not responsible for any damages resulting from user errors.
  • Completed transactions, in the context of ordering and conducting transactions, mean that you have paid for products and services to us and cannot be refunded or canceled.
  • When using the service, Varoriya AI considers that users have accepted the terms and conditions provided by us.

Rights and Responsibilities of Online Members

  • To register as an online member, users must provide accurate and truthful information related to themselves.
  • Users agree to keep the information provided during membership registration accurate and up-to-date at all times.
  • Users agree to keep the login name and password of online members confidential.
  • Users agree to be responsible for any damages that may occur due to the full use of the rights of online members.
  • For online members under the age of 18, any financial transactions related to ordering services online must receive parental consent each time.
  • Varoriya AI reserves the right to immediately withdraw online membership without prior notice if any unlawful or dishonest activity is detected.

Rights of Varoriya AI

  • Varoriya AI is not responsible for any damages resulting from user errors.
  • We reserve the right to modify various terms and conditions, including suspending the provision of certain parts of the platform, without prior notice.
  • The personal information of users who register as online members is subject to Varoriya AI’s Privacy Policy.

Product and Service Responsibilities

  • Users acknowledge and agree explicitly that Varoriya AI is not responsible for errors in content (referring to text, images, photographs, trademarks, data, or other components) that may result from the use of outdated or inaccurate information or details obtained from the relevant unit. Additionally, Varoriya AI reserves the right to change or modify the content without prior notice.
  • Content and information on the Varoriya AI platform are not responsible for accuracy, completeness, or usability in any way. This includes both parts created by third parties and those created by us.
  • Users acknowledge and agree explicitly that Varoriya AI is not responsible for not being able to view performances or access services provided by Varoriya AI, including the cancellation of such services. Users must accept the terms and conditions of the refund policy if a refund for such services is required.